From the book "Bali Island", part 4 "South-East", episode 22.
8°42'0.29"S 115° 9'48.50"E
There are chain of three resort towns - Kuta, Legian adn Seminyak- in the South-Eastern part of Bali island, along the beach, which is washed by the huge waves of the Indian ocean. They practically merge with the island's capital Denpasar city, it is difficult to determine the boundaries. In addition, Kuta beach is located near the international airport and the beaches are fantastic – white soft sand and huge waves, and in 1936 the couple of Americans, Robert and Louise Kwak, had built the first hotel here. Then others did the same, and poor fishing village gradually turned into a huge resort agglomerate. Popularity of this place was increased due to the surfers and hippies from Australia and Europe, and Kuta became the object of pilgrimage since the late 60-ies of XX-th century. In those years they spoke of three K: Kathmandu in Nepal, the Khoasanstreet in Bangkok (for a different version of Kabul in Afghanistan) and Kuta in Bali. Hippies fueled with coke in the first two points and then they had completed their journey in Bali in the lean dry season.
Now Kuta has countless shopping stalls, shops, small family hotels and the coastal line is built out with adjacent one to another hotels, restaurants, night clubs.
Prices in Bali are quite attractive compared to, for example, with Australia, and therefore usually there is a lot of Australians here. Young people do surf and hang out at night in discos and bars, but older public is sitting on the beach days and evenings, where the local hawkers brings them a cold beer and sigarettes at a price of 8-10 times lower than the Australian. The inhabitants of the Green continent flock here by large companies and families for these pleasures, because prices for flights by low-cost airlines from Melbourne, Sydney and Perth are low. Travel for the Europeans is more expensive, all the more for the Americans, therefore not much of them come here.
Prices in the first line of hotels in expensive area of the five star resorts of Nusa Dua, for example, are very reasonable, and the service is, in our opinion, quite good. We have chosen Jayakarta Bali Hotel here :
The beaches of Kuta has a significant drawback – usually it is difficult to swim in the ocean here, because the waves are very serious, but sometimes the ocean calms down a bit and then you can dive under a breaking wave and swim. Only surfers like waves, for them a red flag on the beach (do not swim) - a good sign :-)
And the hotels have pools, and the people splashing in them until the night..
In the evening, when the heat stops, the beaches are crowded, people drinks before dinner and makes an evening stroll or jog and, of course, taking pictures of unique Balinese sunsets..
Bali is very close to the equator, the sun sets are early here, there is already dark at 7pm and dinner time comes. There is the local and European cuisine here, seafood and all sorts of drinks and juices are in abundance. And almost every restaurant invites artists for the entertainment and you can choose the concert on the evening to your taste. Of course, traditional Balinese music dominate here..
Please look at our video about Kuta:
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