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201507-08 Germany & Denmark. Part 5 - Warnemunde & Hanse sail
201507-08 Germany & Denmark. Part 4 - From Rostock to Denmark and back
201507-08 Germany & Denmark. Part 3 - Gustrow
201507-08 Germany & Denmark. Part 2 - Rostock
201507-08 Germany & Denmark. Part 1 - Berlin
5. Part of my Europe. Travel notes. (August, 2015). PDF Authors: Oleg Lopatko and Svetlana Lopatko. There is a book about a short travel to Germany and Denmark in August of 2015. It is a kind of author's guidebook on Berlin, Rostock and its suburb Warnemünde, Güstrow and Copenhagen.
201508 Warnemunde and Hanse Sail
201508 From Rostock to Copenhagen and back
201508 Gustrow
201508 Rostock
201507-08 Berlin