From the book "Bali Island", part 3 "North-East", episode 20.
8°18'54.83"S 115°37'31.49"E
The North coast of Bali, the place is near of Amed village, a small bay with a dive hotel on the beach. The bay is private property: if you come from the sea by diving boat, you will be given a ticket, which must be paid later, otherwise it will be a violation of the local laws. You have to pay because the place is popular, there are rare scorpionfish (Rhinopias aphanes), frog-fish and all sorts of other unusual sea creatures. We were unlucky about such scorpionfish, but we've seen someone. The first place, of course, was for scorpionfish – there is their Kingdom here..
Lionfish Parapterois heterura
Scorpionfish Inimicus caledonicus
Scorpionfish Inimicus sp.
Scorpionfish Inimicus didactylus
We've seen close relative of the scorpionfish - unusual painted frog-fish..
Frogfish Antennartus pictus
Trigla – the piper gurnard of the scorpionfish squad. Incidentally, this fish has legs and for some reason there are six of them. The fish can make a variety of sounds - ancient scientists even called it sea-cuckoo.
Flying gurnard (Trigla) - Dactylopterus volitans
A variety of nudibranchs was also present here..
Nudibranch Flabellina exoptata (Much-Desired Flabellina)
Nudibranch Tambja morosa
Nudibranch Discodoris boholiensis
Nudibranch Hypselodoris bullockii
And crabs. Look at this, a little brown crab, looks like a spider, is sitting on sea lily..
Spider crab
Boxer crab - Lubia tessellata
There are no hard corals, and soft ones could be found only in some places - separate scenic bushes on the black sand...
Our short movie about this place:
< episode 19 |
episode 21 > |