From the book "Bali Island", part 1 "West", episode 8.
8° 9'49.88"S 114°26'19.76"E
A unique place. The local underwater world differ from what can be seen in the open sea – the pool is almost closed, there are practically no waves and currents, and the water is colder, so those who like quietness and coolness live here. Such, primarily, frogfish. They usually live at depth, but they like so much the climate of this bay that they divorced here in abundance. Look at beauties we met there:
Also there are many scorpionfish - sea ruffs here, it is not surprising: they are close relatives to frogfish and therefore they live near :-)
Of course, there are shrimps here. A large boxer shrimp was filmed..
Banded boxer shrimp Stenopus hispidus
This shrimp is called "emperor" because a big part of its life it spends on the "throne" - siting on the top of other creature and travel large distances by this way. Slugs and nudibranchs, stars and sea cucumbers serve as its transport. Many of them are poisonous and protect their passenger from those who want to eat tasty crustaceans, there are many such eaters under the water :-) The riders devour mucus and skin particles from their transport, cleaning them. Here's a symbiosis..
Emperor shrimp/Periclimenes imperator
Flat marine worms, slugs and nudibranchs, mostly, are unusual here. I do not remember such a bright orange worms somewhere else..
And such striped too..
Sea slugs of the kind of pleurobranchus are not very common. Here are two photos Pleurobranchus forskalii
This is Pleurobranchus weberi
This nudibranch is the kind of Flabellina. Quite rare one.
Batfish. This variety was called Platax orbicularis for a semi-circular face.
Big bushy jellyfish..
A variety of sea urchins. There is a white mucus on photo, which meens the time of spawning for sea urchin.
Banggai cardinalfish, their name in Latin Pterapogon kauderni. And again, there are olny few places in the world
where you can see them in the wild, they often live in aquariums.
All of the above characters filmed in our movie in motion. And someone else. I won't tell, watch the movie:
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