From the book "Puerto Galera. Roads of corsairs", episode 9.
There is the strait between the large islands - Mindoro and Luzon. There are always currents here and it was very cold that time. But we have suffered for the sake of underwater beauty..
There were nudibranches, as elsewhere..
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Phyllidiella pustulosa | Chromodoris willani Rudman | Halgerda batangas |
And our guide dug up by a stick orangutan-crab who was hiding in the anemone..
And we saw the flashing electric scallops.
Интернет-поисковики на такой запрос выдают «электрический гребень от вшей». Но в нашем случае это двустворчатый моллюск, обладающий уникальной способностью создавать на краях своей раковины всполохи, похожие на молнии. Долго бытовало представление, что эти мягкотелые беспозвоночные способны генерировать электричество… Но об этом и не только смотрите в нашем фильме: :) Internet searching engines issue for such request the answer "electric anti-louse comb". But in our case it was a bivalve mollusk, possessing a unique ability to create flashes at the edges of his shell similar to lightning. For a long time it was common opinion that these soft-bodied invertebrates are able to generate electricity.. Look at our movie about it and many another :)
< episode 8 |