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From the book "Puerto Galera. Roads of corsairs", episode 9.

There is the strait between the large islands - Mindoro and Luzon. There are always currents here and it was very cold that time. But we have suffered for the sake of underwater beauty..

There were nudibranches, as elsewhere..

Phyllidiella pustulosa Chromodoris willani Rudman Halgerda batangas


And our guide dug up by a stick orangutan-crab who was hiding in the anemone..

And we saw the flashing electric scallops.

Интернет-поисковики на такой запрос выдают «электрический гребень от вшей». Но в нашем случае это двустворчатый моллюск, обладающий уникальной способностью создавать на краях своей раковины всполохи, похожие на молнии. Долго бытовало представление, что эти мягкотелые беспозвоночные способны генерировать электричество… Но об этом и не только смотрите в нашем фильме: :) Internet searching engines issue for such request the answer "electric anti-louse comb". But in our case it was a bivalve mollusk, possessing a unique ability to create flashes at the edges of his shell similar to lightning. For a long time it was common opinion that these soft-bodied invertebrates are able to generate electricity.. Look at our movie about it and many another :)

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